
Hello everyone, welcome to my blog!! I'm Jillian and I am new to this blogging world so bare with me as I learn as I go. I am 25 years old, married to an amazingly supportive husband :) and together we have the best little man, Boston. I love being a mother more than anything else in the world. I am lucky enough to get to stay home with him. I am a hair stylist and work out of my home now. Even though I am fulfilled in those aspects of my life I needed to set a goal for myself. Something to really take me out of my comfort zone and push me to a limit I haven't been pushed to before. So I decided to cross off two things from my buckets list. One being to have a blog! And two, competing in a fitness competition! AHHH! I have said it out loud, and I am committed to doing it so there is no turning back now. So follow me through my ups and downs from now till my contest in JUNE!!

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