Wednesday, June 11, 2014

INBF Show (part two)

First thing Saturday morning (6 am) I was up and eating my eggs and peanut butter. Sooooo many eggs. Then it was off to get my makeup done and after that I did my own hair.
I got to the venue around 9:00, my divison went on at 11. Got my tan touched up and met so many great girls back stage. Everyone was so friendly.
The morning show is the prejudging. After the morning show I went out for a delicious steak and mashed potatoes with my sister and her fiance and my husband. It meant so much to have family there.
Then came back around 7 for the evening show. The evening show is a little more entertaining for everyone. But by that time you are pooped. I was much more relaxed backstage by this time and just was focused on enjoying the last few hours that were left of this journey.
I was so suprised to take first in my division!! There were so many amazing deserving girls.

   Because there were three bikini divisions, the first place girl from each division went up against each other for first overall and their pro card.

Unfortunately I missed my pro card by one point. I am still proud of just placing in my own division and it gives me something to work towards.
Overall it was an amazing experience and a great weekend. I had friends and family travel along ways to come and watch and it definietly wouldnt have been as special with out them!!

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