Wednesday, June 11, 2014

INBF Show (part one)

Hello everyone!!! I know I have been a little MIA. Nearing the end of my competition I had to focus my energy into training so my posts fell to the side. I am back and after competing I am inspired to keep focused on fitness and health and I am excited about making progress in my off season.

Looking back on the last five months it was such an amazing journey. Hard and challeneging but amazing. I loved the whole experience and will definietly compete again.
We went down to Calgary (where the competion was being held) two days before the show. First thing Friday was my polygraph test. Because I competed in a natural organization every athlete is polygrapher and anyone that wins their pro card are pee tested. It sounds extreme but it was a major reason why I decided that INBF was the show for me. They are about health and everyone is on an equal playing ground.
Then I was off to get the first coat of my tan. :) They just paint that stuff on you. It was seriously one of the most stressful parts. After you get the first coat on you just wanted to relax, let it dry and dont go near ANYTHING wet. 

  This was after just one coat!!

(dont you love my husbands arm as comparison)
 The reason for the dark tans are so the judges can see muscle definition on the stage better.  After that I was off to the atheles meeting were any questions we had were answered and we got divided into divisons; short, medium and tall. After that it was more relaxing.
  Then it was off to bed....

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