Monday, January 20, 2014

Christina Meet Everyone.. Everyone Meet Christina!!

I feel so lucky that Christina was so nice and willing to let me pick her brain. It is so nice to be able to relate to someone and see how they are dealing with the ups and downs of competing! I have been following Christina on Instagram for awhile now and to watch her journey and see her progress is always a good extra push when I need one. Everyone check her out and give her lots of love and encouragement!! (christinalifts)
1. How do you stay motivated through the whole process?
    Doing a competition was the next step in my journey so I feel motivated because I WANT it! Every morning I wake up is another chance to bust it in the gym and get stage ready and I want to make sure I bring the best package possible! Also announcing it on my IG account helps hold me accountable. I have all these people watching my journey and it sure helps get you out not bed! I don't want to let anyone (or myself) down.
2. Do you meal prep and how do you keep it interesting? (It can get pretty boring)
    I do meal prep! I try to get most of it done on Sunday. This is only my second week into training so I haven't had the chance to get too creative yet but last night I experimented. I made a seasoned tuna steak with cauliflower "mashed potatoes" and sweet potato. So good, healthy, and most importantly, it works with my diet! (I'm pescatarian) Still trying to get creative with other ideas that work with my diet so I don't get bored! 

 3. What has been your proudest moment so far in your fitness journey?
     Ahh that's a hard one. Getting recognized by Karena & Katrina on one of my progress pictures was pretty amazing as well as all the muscle I've gained over the year. I've never been muscular in my entire life so it's such an amazing feeling to go from the "average" girl to the "fit girl"! I recently had a girl at Starbucks say "how can I get arms like yours?!" Words I've never heard before in my entire life. Things like that are when you know you're doing something right. It's a good feeling.
4. Training and diet takes so much time how do you find balancing work and friends is?
    You're telling me! My days are very long. I like going to the gym in the morning because I have less of a chance to procrastinate putting off the gym. Working out in the morning gets me energized and feeling good for the day! I'm usually there by 6am, head to work right after, and by the time in home it's 7:30pm, I have time to eat and do the same thing all over again. My friends and I have different schedules so it hasn't been an issue yet. We actually recently arranged to all hang out this month on a Sunday! (Which is my rest/grocery shopping/meal prep/cleaning/cooking day)
We're meeting up early in the morn so I can still get stuff done later that day! 

5. What's your favorite muscle to train? Hardest muscle to train?
     I love working arms and shoulders! The hardest for me are legs and booty! That's my "problem area." I also have a bad lower back so I can't squat as heavy as I'd like, etc so it's the part of my body that won't progress as fast as the others.
6. What's your favorite way to do cardio?
     I used to be an avid spinner! These days I stick to the Stairmaster. One of these days I'll take another spin class ...

7. What would your best piece of advice be to someone who is wanting to compete?
     If you're wanting to compete go for it! Talk to other bikini competitors (if you know any) ask them questions, learn from their mistakes and success. They can help guide you. That's what I did and how I found my coach!

8. What are you fitness goals for the future? Do you think you will want to compete again?
    Doing a competition was my goal! My first show is in April so if I love it, I'll do more. If not, then I don't ever have to do it again and at least I can say I did it and it's an accomplishment.
I want to say thank you again to Christina! I know you'll rock the stage! I will be watching you the whole way!

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