Monday, January 6, 2014


Hello, its been a little while. I had a crazy busy month of December. So I decided to just focus on work and of coarse my workouts, and some QT with my family over the Christmas season. I was in the mind frame of enjoying my time and freedom before it got intense with contest prep.
So needless to say I am happy I took the time because I met with my coach on the 31st and I have hit the ground running ever since.
My workouts have increased from 4 times a week to 7!!! Yup everyday, the gym has now become my second home.
The reason I titled this post 'Why' is because its the number one question I get all the time. At first I would just say 'its been something I've wanted to do for a long time.' After awhile that wasn't good enough for me. I say that because this is a huge financial commitment, time commitment, all in all just a huge commitment. Already my first week of being on a strict diet has brought me to think why myself. This is what I have came up with...
Why not!! I love my life, I love what I do and love love love being a wife and a mama but... I need to push myself. What is there to life if a person isn't pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. The repetitiveness of everyday life can get to a person. I think setting a personal goal has made myself a better person to be around. When you are trying to better yourself it makes it easier to see the good in other people.
So I am definitely out of my comfort zone. Everyday I need to refocus on why I want this and believe in myself. I am taking it seriously one meal at a time right now (I am sure it will get easier) trying not to stress about how I am going to do it tomorrow and just focusing on today!
There is 146 days until my competition (May 31st) and I am going to make every day count. Its about to get intense and I am hoping you all enjoy following me to the stage!!!!! 


1 comment:

  1. Love this post Jillian! Gave me chills! So proud of you and very excited!
    Remember you always have us for support.
